Information for Instructors
Class Preparations
Once your proposal to teach a class is accepted, you’ll work with your Dakota County Technical College Customized Training Rep to schedule the class based on student needs and room availability.
Proposals are reviewed and accepted year-round with semester deadlines as follows:
- Fall (Sept.-Dec.): April 15
- Spring (Jan.-May): August 15
- Summer (June-Aug.): January 15
If you require more than the standard equipment (data projector, flip chart, instructor computer and whiteboard), please contact the IT department via a JIRA Ticket.
Please log in to JIRA using your STAR ID for your USERNAME and STAR ID Password for the PASSWORD. You can then put in any technology requests that you might have for additional resources or help requests.
For Online Learning, our classes use D2l. Please see the link below for to access the CECT D2l Site.
Dakota County Technical College staff will complete any duplicating required for your class; however:
- When you teach for us, you represent Dakota County Technical College and all materials should reflect the look and integrity of the Dakota County Technical College brand. Contact your Customized Training Rep for more information or to request a Dakota County Technical College-branded template to use for class materials.
- All duplicating requests should be sent TWO WEEKS in advance of the class start date. If we do not receive these materials two weeks in advance, you will need to have them copied at your own expense. (Note: No copying facilities are available on campus for last-minute duplicating, so please plan ahead.)
- Email your handouts for duplicating to your Customized Training Sales Rep to coordinate with the copy center for duplication
- All materials will be run back-to-back and in black ink unless you have received approval from your program director.
The class attendance roster, duplicated materials, and class evaluation forms will be delivered to your classroom on the day or evening of your class. If you have a one-session class, Certificates of Completion will also be provided.
All classrooms are locked when not in use.
Customized Training Staff will put in a JIRA Operations request to unlock, relock and clean the classroom you are using. If you need your classroom space set up differently, please ensure that the room is put back together at the end of each class.
During Class
Check attendance at every class session.
Students Not on Your Roster
If a student has not registered, direct him/her to the Continuing Education Office, to register BEFORE attending class.
If this happens on a weekend, after 5:30 pm or at an off-campus location, use the extra registration forms in the packet of materials that has been left in your classroom. Unregistered students must complete the entire registration form.
Payment may be made by credit card. Enclose any registration forms with other materials (class attendance rosters, evaluation forms, etc.) in the materials envelope.
One-Session Classes
Certificates are provided for all students on the class roster. At the end of your session, distribute certificates to students. Return unclaimed certificates in the materials envelope, along with your class attendance roster and class evaluations.
Students who register on the day of class will receive their certificate by mail.
Multiple-Session Classes
Take attendance at each class, using the roster provided. In order to issue the correct number of hours, we must know how many hours the student attended class. We cannot award hours for classes that were not attended.
Place your attendance roster and student evaluation forms in the materials folder provided and return to the Continuing Education Customized Training office, or slide underneath the doors.
Return these materials after your SECOND TO LAST CLASS. We will prepare certificates to be handed out during the last class. Should a student miss the last class, return the certificate to the Continuing Education Office. We will adjust the number of hours earned and mail the certificate to the student.
Return your class roster after your second-to-last class. If you are unable to drop off the list, please contact your Customized Training Rep.
Evaluations are the primary method for students to provide feedback on the value of a course. Tallied results of certain portions of the evaluation are also required by Minnesota State.
Please encourage all students to fill out the evaluation forms. Place these forms in the materials folder and return to the Continuing Education Office.
Emergency Contacts
Medical/Fire/Police: Dial 9-911 in an Emergency
Campus Security Office: 651-423-8388
Campus Security Officer Cell Phone: 651-272-8099
Non-Emergency Contacts
Escort Request: 651-239-9136
Health & Safety Coordinator: 651-423-8371
Campus Supervisor: 651-583-4933 (Security Director cell phone)
Building Hours, Access & Services
- Regular business hours are Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Please enter through the West, East or North (front) entrances.
- Additional access available at North (front) entrance for evening and Saturday classes.
- Only visitors may park in the front visitor lot during the day.
- Enrollment Service Center open 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Payroll & Contact Information
New employees will be sent a “token” email which contains a link to submit your personal and contact information, previous retirement participation, etc. This email will also include a list of documents that you will need to print and bring into Dakota County Technical College’s Human Resource department. After these steps are complete, and HR has entered your assignment into the system, you will need to access the Self-Service to complete your direct deposit and W-4 information.
You will receive an email from Human Resources with your employee number. If you need assistance, please contact Human Resources at 651-423-8411.
You can expect to receive payment approximately 4 weeks after you begin teaching. The payroll calendar can assist in determining when you should expect your deposit.
Important Links:
Emergency Procedures
- Should an incident arise that results in your inability to meet a class, please contact your Customized Training Rep and the Continuing Education Office as soon as possible so students can be notified. Once a make-up date has been arranged between you and your Customized Training Rep, our staff will follow up with students.
- Should you need security personnel while teaching your class on campus call 651-423-8388.
- The DCTC campus has two main emergency notification systems: Star Alert and Alertus. These emergency communication systems may be used in conjunction with one another or may be used separately depending on the situation.
- Get time-sensitive emergency notifications from campus leaders and the Safety and Security Department, within minutes via phone calls, texts and/or email.
- Visit the Star Alert or Emergency Preparedness webpages for more information.
- The Alertus mass notification system has been deployed to enhance our ability to notify the campus community of emergencies. The system includes wall beacons, campus computer notifications, and an app you can download.
- Alertus and Blackboard Star Alert. Be sure to download the Alertus app so you can get timely emergency messages. Also check to make sure that your contact information is up-to-date in Blackboard Star Alert. More information on Alertus and Blackboard Star Alert can be found on the Safety & Security Office website.
- Prepare for an active shooter.
- Identify two nearby exits for your classrooms and other work locations. Get in the habit of doing this as you move around the building.
- Map out places to hide. In rooms without windows, behind solid doors with locks, under desks or behind heavy furniture such as large filing cabinets can make good hiding places.
- Review Run Hide Fight resources shared in my email yesterday. This includes the DHS Active Shooter Pocket Card, FEMA’s Active Shooter Information Sheet, and view a video on our DCTC Campus Safety & Security Office webpage of how to survive an active shooter.
- Announcements regarding closing of state offices, including Dakota County Technical College and Inver Hills Community College, can be heard on WCCO Radio 830AM.
- Closures are also announced on the Dakota County Technical College website and the Inver Hills Community College website.
- Marketing will send appropriate messages through these methods: Texts, Blackboard STARALERT, Alertus, Email, Social Media, Phone Messages, College Web Sites and Local Media.
- Winter Weather Preparedness. Winter weather is right around the corner! We will primarily use Blackboard Star Alert to notify staff and students of any full campus closures or early campus closures. The Safety Committee will also be sending out winter reminder emails. DCTC follows the College Procedure 4.4.1 Weather / Short-Term Emergency Closings policy should we need to close campus due to weather-related events.